Please do not use lift while going down – an instruction on the top floor of a five-storey building.

by AdminX

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Please do not use lift while going down – an instruction on the top floor of a five-storey building.

Assumptions :
I. While going down, the lift is unable to carry any load.
II. Provision of lift is a matter of facility and not of right.

A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B

The statement requests people not to use lift while moving down. This implies that the lift may be used to move up and the request has been made so that more people can use the lift for ascending which would otherwise cause more physical stress than going down the stairs. So, only II is implicit.

Please do not use lift while going down - an instruction on the top floor of a five-storey building.

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