( Best 100+ ) HTML MCQ Question and answers 101-200

by Mr. DJ

HTML MCQ question and Answers 101-200

What HTML means?
HyperText Markup Language
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet. The markup tells web browsers how to display a web page’s words and images.
HTML MCQ question and Answers

151. Head tag is used for?
a. Writing style
b. Writing Java Script
c. Including CSS, JS Files
d. All of these

Answer:- d

152. How many heading tags are supported by HTML?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

Answer:- d

153. Which is the largest heading tag?
a. H1
b. H3
c. H4
d. H6

Answer:- a

154. Which of the following are attributes of Font tag?
a. Face
b. Size
c. Color
d. All of above

Answer:- d

155. ……………………. connects web pages.
a. Connector
b. Link
c. Hyperlink
d. None of the above

Answer:- c

156. Internet is ………………………….
a. a network of networks
b. an ocean of resources waiting to be mined
c. a cooperative anarchy
d. all of the above

Answer:- d

157. ……………… is suitable for remote administration of a computer.
a. FTP
b. Shell
c. Remote Procedure Call
d. Telnet

Answer:- d

158. Title tag is nested within the ………………….. tag.
a. Body
b. Head
c. List
d. Table

Answer:- b

159. ……………….. is a web’s native protocol.
d. PPP

Answer:- c

160. The Internet uses the …………………… as the protocol engine.
d. PPP

Answer:- c

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