“Ensure a good Slight’s sleeps for your family with safe and effective X mosquito coil.” – An advertisement.

by AdminX

Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : “Ensure a good Slight’s sleeps for your family with safe and effective X mosquito coil.” – An advertisement.

Assumptions :
I. X mosquito coil is better than any other mosquito coil.
II. A good night’s sleep is desirable.

A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B

The statement mentions the good qualities of X coil but this does not mean it is the best. So, I is not implicit. Besides, an advertisement highlights the feature which is desirable by customers and can lure them. So, II is implicit.

"Ensure a good Slight's sleeps for your family with safe and effective X mosquito coil." - An advertisement.

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