( Best 150+ ) Co-operative Management and Administration MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Co-operative Management and Administration MCQ

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Co-operative Management and Administration MCQ

Co-operative Management and Administration MCQ

41. The ……………….will fix the authorized maximum amount of debts that the cooperative
society may contract with any credit supply organization.

A. annual general meeting

B. board of directors meeting

C. operational meetings

D. all meetings

42. The…………………..meeting will be called only when amendments to the bylaw is required.

A. annual general meeting

B. board of directors meeting

C. operational meetings

D. extraordinary general meeting

43. The………………….. meeting will be called only when the cooperative is to be dissolved.

A. annual general meeting

B. board of directors meeting

C. operational meetings

D. extraordinary general meeting

44. In the ……………………….,decisions thereof require a special majority of all the members
present at the meeting.

A. annual general meeting

B. board of directors meeting

C. operational meetings

D. extraordinary general meeting

45. ……………… may be called at any time during the year whenever necessary.

A. annual general meeting

B. board of directors meeting

C. operational meetings

D. special or ordinary general meetings

46. ………………………may be summoned at the insistence of the management committee, the audit or the control committee, the registrar of cooperatives, or at the request of at least ten percent (10%) of all the members of the cooperative.

A. special or ordinary general meetings

B. annual general meeting

C. board of directors meeting

D. operational meetings

47. A quorum for a meeting should be one person more than …………….of all members of the

A. 10%

B. 30%

C. 50%

D. 60%

48. If there is no quorum the meeting will be postponed to no earlier than …………. hour later,
and no more than one month later.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

49. Where it is possible written notice must be sent to all members at their official addresses at
least ………………………prior to annual and extraordinary general meetings

A. one month

B. two months

C. three months

D. one week

50. Arrange the following in proper order.
1. Step 4 Select the best alternative. 2. Identifying/clarifying the decision to be made. 3. Step 6 Evaluating the decision 4. Step 3 Gathering/processing information and Analyze the alternatives 5. Step 5 Making/implementing the decision 6. 2 Identifying possible decision options.

A. 6,2,4,1,5,3

B. 4,2,6,1,5,3

C. 1,2,3,4,5,6

D. 2,6,4,1,5,3

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