( Best 250+ ) Business Communication MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Business Communication MCQ

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Business Communication MCQ

Business Communication MCQ

211. Which is NOT one of the three purposes for giving oral presentations?

A. to persuade

B. to debate

C. to build goodwill

D. to inform

212. Which of the following is an informative presentation?

A. promoting a new service that your company is offering

B. convincing customers to upgrade to a higher level of service

C. demonstrating three successful sales techniques to new employees

D. entertaining the audience to stroke the customers’ egos

213. A presentation designed to entertain and validate the audience is a(n)

A. persuasive presentation.

B. informative presentation.

C. oral presentation.

D. goodwill presentation.

214. All of the following would be examples of persuasive presentations

A. selling a company’s service to a new client.

B. changing an audience’s opinion to secure enough votes for an innovative new policy.

C. stroking the audience’s egos to validate their commitment to the organization.

D. convincing upper management to accept a proposal for hiring additional personnel.

215. Which of the following purposes of an oral presentation is specific in

A. “this presentation will cover interpersonal skills, telephone etiquette, and up selling.”

B. “this presentation will show that some departments are not providing high levels of customer service.”

C. “this presentation will cover customer service.”

D. “this presentation will explain why customers are so important to the success of the company.”

216. An oral message is preferable to a written one when one of the goals is to

A. report many specific details of a law, policy, or procedure.

B. present extensive or complex financial data.

C. modifies a proposal that may not be acceptable in its original form.

D. minimize undesirable emotions.

217. The speaker presents questions or issues that both speaker and audience
have agreed on in advance. This is characteristic of a(n)

A. powerpoint presentation.

B. guided presentation.

C. interactive presentation.

D. monologue presentation.

218. Good strategies for planning oral presentations include all of the following

A. learning about the physical conditions in which you will be speaking.

B. analyzing the audience and adapting the message to them.

C. incorporating proper headings and paragraph indentation.

D. simplifying what you want to say.

219. How many points should you limit yourself to in a typical presentation?

A. one

B. three

C. eight

D. there is no limit.

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