( Best 500+ ) Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

151. The study of organizational behavior includes an understanding of which of the following:

  1. the process of management.
  2. interactions with the external environment.
  3. organizational processes and the execution of work.
  4. all of the above.


Correct answer: (D) all of the above.

152. According to Hooper and Potter’s study of 25 chief executives, which of the following were crucial to the successful management of organizational change?

  1. Effective communication.
  2. Self-pacing.
  3. Setting a good personal example.
  4. All three of the above.


Correct answer: (D) All three of the above.

153. When the needs of the individual and the organization are ______________, conflict and frustration can arise.

  1. consistent.
  2. compatible.
  3. similar.
  4. incompatible.


Correct answer: (B) compatible.

154. A definition of organizational culture is that it is “the collection of ______________ and attitudes that constitute a pervasive context for everything we think and do in an organization”.

  1. Traditions, values.
  2. Policies, practices, behaviors.
  3. Traditions, values, policies, beliefs.
  4. Values, styles, processes, activities.


Correct answer: (B) Policies, practices, behaviors.

155. The Peters and Waterman study revealed that there was a particular factor that led to these organizations effectiveness. What was that factor?

  1. Having a clear and rigidly defined organizational structure.
  2. Dominance and coherence of culture.
  3. Being decentralized and organic.
  4. Being a large multinational organization.


Correct answer: (A) Having a clear and rigidly defined organizational structure.Also Read :-

  1. Marketing Management MCQs
  2.  Digital Business Management MCQs
  3.  Cost Accounting MCQs
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156. Which of the following is NOT one of Kotter and Cohen’s series of steps for successful management of large-scale change?

  1. Unfreezing.
  2. Empowering action.
  3. Creating visions.
  4. Producing short-term wins.


Correct answer: (D) Producing short-term wins.

157. Schein suggested three levels of culture in order from shallowest to deepest. In this order, they are:

  1. History, artefacts, beliefs.
  2. Assumptions, artefacts, values.
  3. History, values, activities.
  4. Artefacts, values, assumptions.


Correct answer: (C) History, values, activities.

158. The style of management adopted by managers can be seen as a function of the manager’s:

  1. attitudes towards people.
  2. assumptions about human nature and behavior.
  3. both of the above.
  4. neither of the above.


Correct answer: (A) attitudes towards people.

159. Galunic and Weeks suggest that with the demise of WHAT, companies need other strategies to encourage commitment?

  1. Job security.
  2. Career paths.
  3. Pension plans.
  4. Promotion opportunities.


Correct answer: (B) Career paths.

160. The psychological contract is:

  1. a signed document stating mutual explicit needs.
  2. a listing of statutory requirements.
  3. a formal contract of employment.
  4. a series of implicit mutual expectations.


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