( Best 400+ ) Advertising and Sales Promotion MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Advertising and Sales Promotion MCQ

Advertising and Sales Promotion MCQ

61. If a company wants to build a good “corporate image,” it will probably use which of the following marketing communications mix tools?

  1. advertising
  2. public relations
  3. direct marketing
  4. sales promotion


Correct answer: (B) public relations

62. Which of the following major promotional tools use the telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, and the Internet to communicate directly with specific consumers?

  1. advertising
  2. public relations
  3. direct marketing
  4. sales promotion


Correct answer: (C) direct marketing

63. ______________ fragmentation has resulted in media fragmentation.

  1. Market
  2. Purchasing
  3. Product
  4. Public relations


Correct answer: (A) Market

64. ______________ is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products.

  1. The promotion mix
  2. Integrated international affairs
  3. Integrated marketing communications
  4. Integrated demand characteristics


Correct answer: (C) Integrated marketing communications

65. The communications process should start with:

  1. a basic belief about the communication piece.
  2. an audit of all the potential contacts target customers have with the company and its brands.
  3. an evaluation of the history of advertising used by the firm.
  4. hiring communications experts to handle the communication problems of the firm.


Correct answer: (B) an audit of all the potential contacts target customers have with the company and its brands.

66. The promotion tool that may include coupons, contests, premiums, and other means of attracting consumer attention is best described as being which of the following?

  1. advertising
  2. personal selling
  3. public relations
  4. sales promotion


Correct answer: (D) sales promotion

67. A ______________ is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to move the product through channels.

  1. Push strategy
  2. Pull strategy
  3. Blocking strategy
  4. Integrated strategy


Correct answer: (A) Push strategy

68. Marketing management must make four important decisions when developing an advertising program. All of the following would be among those decisions EXCEPT:

  1. Setting advertising objectives.
  2. Setting the advertising budget.
  3. Setting procedures for an advertising culture audit.
  4. Developing advertising strategy.


Correct answer: (C) Setting procedures for an advertising culture audit.

69. If Sony tries to convince consumers that its brand of computer disks is the best quality for the money, it is using which of the following forms of advertising?

  1. Informative advertising
  2. Psychological advertising
  3. Reminder advertising
  4. Persuasive advertising


Correct answer: (D) Persuasive advertising

70. The most logical budget setting method is found in the list below. Which is it?

  1. Affordable method
  2. Percentage-of-sales method
  3. Competitive-parity method
  4. Objective-and-task method


Correct answer: (D) Objective-and-task method

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